It’s just a seemingly normal day at home. The sun is shining, you’re relaxing on the couch with the dog, the kids are playing…you suddenly decide to get up and turn off the HVAC fan on the thermostat. You flip the switch, and sit back down. Only…wait, the fan isn’t shutting off. You get back up to see what’s happening, and no matter what you try, the darn thing just won’t shut off! Now what?

When your HVAC fan won’t shut off, you’ll need the help of an HVAC technician to restore your thermostat settings. It’s normal for your HVAC fan to kick on before heating or to keep running after cooling for a few minutes, but your fan shouldn’t run for hours on its own. It’s possible you could be experiencing a faulty thermostat, bad wiring, or even stuck relays.

Not to worry, though, because we have the best team of HVAC technicians on our side, and we’re ready to get your HVAC fan back to working order. Let’s get into how an HVAC fan works and what the problem could be so you better understand.

How Your HVAC Fan Works

Your blower fan operates within your heating and air conditioning systems. However, its actually a separate electrical system. Your furnace and air conditioner heat or cool the air drawn into their respective systems. The HVAC fan pulls the hot or cold air out of the house, runs it through your heating or cooling system, then pushes it back out. Your thermostat acts as the middleman between these and tells them what to do.

When you set your thermostat to the auto setting, it tells your fan and your heating or cooling system to turn on and off when they hit the temperature you’ve programmed in. It’s common for the fan to run a minute or two before the heating or cooling cycle ends. Other than that, your HVAC fan only needs to be blowing when you have it turned on to increase the circulation of air.

Most Likely Problems with Your HVAC Fan

Now that you know what to expect from your HVAC fan, you can determine when there’s something wrong with it and when it’s time to call in a professional. There are some common issues that might be the likely cause of your HVAC fan not working right. Here are some things you can expect.

Incorrect Thermostat Settings

An easily fixed problem might be that you’ve accidentally set your thermostat to ON instead of AUTO. Simply go back and flip the switch and see if that fixes the problem. If you’re still experiencing issues with your HVAC fan, give us a call.

Extreme Temperatures Affecting Your HVAC

In some cases, extreme weather can affect your HVAC system so much so that your HVAC system may struggle to heat up or cool down the way you want. This can happen if your HVAC system isn’t the correct size for the space or if it hasn’t been well maintained over time. This can cause the fan to overwork until there’s a balance in the weather.

You May Have a Faulty Thermostat

If your fan doesn’t stop running, you may just have a faulty thermostat – an easy fix, and one that we’re happy to help with!

Possible Broken Relay Switch or Short Circuit

In the event that the blower fan won’t stop running, there may be a broken relay switch. This would prevent the settings plugged into your thermostat from being sent to the fan. Additionally, there could be a short circuit preventing the on/off commands from being sent to your fan.

What Else Causes HVAC Fans to Stop Working?

One of the more detailed reasons an HVAC fan may stop working is if the limit switch is set to the correct mode yet the fan is still running, the limit switch could be faulty. You’ll need the help of one of our technicians for that.

Manual Mode On

Something to look out for is if the system sets itself to “manual” mode. This could mean that the furnace is overheating. An overheated furnaces occurs when filters are clogged. When furnace filters are clogged, this can cause reduced airflow, which then overworks the furnace. Furnace filters need to be changed once every three months.


Pet owners will experience more frequent filter changes due to the fur and pet dander their pet sheds. Similarly, if you live in an area with a lot of dust or pollen, you’ll find yourself needing to swap out filters more often.

Closing Too Many Vents

If you close too many vents in your home, this will also promote overheating. There needs to be even airflow while the HVAC system is on. Not only will this make your home more comfortable, but it will also keep your system from overheating.

Thermostat Wiring

If it’s not the limit switch causing the problem, then it could be that the wiring to the thermostat has short-circuited or otherwise gone bad. All of which you cannot fix on your own and will need the help of a Landen Heating and Cooling professional.

When to Call a Professional

Overall, there’s not just one easy to point out cause of an HVAC fan running nonstop. Troubleshooting your thermostat may help, but it’s best to get in touch with an HVAC technician from Landen Heating and Cooling when you can’t figure out the issue. Our experts can properly diagnose the problem in a timely manner while also remaining safe and precise.

Getting an experienced HVAC technician like ours at Landen Heating and Cooling will not only resolve the problem fast but actually save you money long term. It takes a lot of energy for an HVAC fan to run nonstop. This is also why regularly scheduled maintenance tune-ups are beneficial. Our technicians will inspect your HVAC system from top to bottom and address any pending problems before they get worse. This can lower your energy bills and leave your HVAC system running more efficiently.

Where to Go When Your HVAC Fan Won’t Stop

For all things HVAC, Landen Heating and Cooling is here to help! The people of Zebulon, NC have trusted us with their HVAC systems for over a decade. We stay up-to-date with the latest technology, so we can always offer you the best HVAC system installation and repairs available, whether you need help with your furnace, heat pump, or air conditioning. If you like, you can join our Comfort Club and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’ll have regular precision tune-ups every year to keep your system performing at its best.

Reach out to our team at Landen Heating and Cooling today

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